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Uncertain: Book Talk and Signing

By Maggie Jackson ’82

Author photo by Karen Smul

Thursday, April 11, 2024
6:00 to 8:00 PM
At a private home in Down City Providence*

Registration is closed.

In an age of flux, it’s too easy to retreat into the comfort of our certainty. But only by being skillfully unsure can we gain the agility, discernment, and resilience needed in a volatile era. Join renowned author Maggie Jackson ’82, P’14 for a talk on her new book Uncertain: The Wisdom and Wonder of Being Unsure, nominated for a National Book Award and named to three “Best Books of 2023” lists.

Uncertain highlights the new scientific discoveries that reveal this mindset as a path to human flourishing and an antidote to the narrow-mindedness of our time. A scientific adventure tale set in AI labs, operating rooms, c-suites, and artist studios from Paris to LA, Uncertain has been lauded as “remarkable and persuasive” (Library Journal) and “incisive and timely” (Dan Pink).

A former Boston Globe columnist, Jackson has written for The New York Times among many other publications. Her work is widely covered by press worldwide. Her book Distracted sparked a global conversation on the steep costs of fragmenting our attention. She lives in New York and Rhode Island.

Uncertain is YARI’s selection for the 2024 Yale Book Awards, which will be given to two dozen high school juniors in YARI-land chosen for their outstanding personal character and intellectual promise.

* After registering, look for an email from Brian Wu confirming your status (space is limited) and providing the address of our venue.

** Small contributions are encourage to defray the cost of refreshments. Please consider a larger contribution to support YARI’s participation in the Yale Book Award and our operating expenses. You may use these payment methods or cash at the event. We are grateful for your financial support.
